Welcome to New Discovery School! Thank you for your interest in learning more about our program and community — we encourage you to explore the website, talk with our admission office, and most importantly tour the school. Once you have walked through our beautiful building, witnessed the energy and curiosity of our students, and felt the warmth and joy of our community, you will understand what makes the experience at New Discovery School different from any other preschool.
At New Discovery, we look for families who are committed to working with us on behalf of their children. We seek children who are excited about learning, are curious about their world, and have respect and compassion for others.
To learn more about New Discovery School, submit an inquiry and schedule a tour. Tours are held during the school day so you can see learning in action. We look forward to getting to meeting you and your child!
Tours for the 2025-2026 school year run October–January, followed by child visits in late January/early February.
Please contact nicki@newdiscoveryschool.org to be put on our list for those interested in touring and applying.
Applications are sent out to you after your tour. Applications must be submitted to New Discovery School on or before January 31. A non-refundable fee of $55 is required with each application (unless you plan to apply for tuition assistance).
Late applications will be accepted after this date, but will be processed only as spaces become available. Applications are accepted only the year prior to the anticipated year of enrollment.
Children applying must be three years of age by September 1.
Upon receipt of an application, we will schedule a date for your child’s visit. Depending on your child’s age group when entering NDS, visits will be held on Monday mornings (4’s) and Thursday mornings (3’s and 5’s), beginning in January and continuing through mid-February. The visit is an opportunity for your child to explore a classroom with several other applicants and participate in brief activities with a teacher. Parents may stay to help their child feel more comfortable. It is through the child visit that parents and teachers may observe the applicants in our school setting to be certain it is a good fit. The child visits also help us determine possible class placement.
Contracts and wait list notifications are emailed February 16. All contracts must be signed and returned with non-refundable enrollment deposits by Monday, March 4.
In our process of placing children in classes, we attempt to create a diverse and balanced class. We take into account age, gender identities (male, female, non-binary, fluid), family birth order, and other diversity factors such as family structure, socioeconomic, and ethnic background. When there is not a space available for a child, they are placed in the applicant wait pool. After the deadline for contracts to be returned has passed, we will draw from the applicants in the wait pool. Applicants may choose to remain in the wait pool until September. Applications are not carried over from one year to the next. They must be reactivated and the process repeated to be considered for the following year. We do give some priority to re-applicants from prior years.